The Way of the Gospel

Dear parishioners of Holy Family

  • The Archdiocese of Melbourne is calling laypeople and clergy together to a renewed sense of our missionary purpose. In his , Archbishop Comensoli called on the faithful of Melbourne to discern what our local Churches in Melbourne might look like in the future such that:

    • The mission of the Gospel is at the heart of our life, worship and outreach
    • Local faith communities are arranged to allow for them to flourish
    • Our faith communities are effectively resourced – spiritually, ministerially and materially

    To achieve this, he has set the Archdiocese on the path to form missions which are:

    • A local area of parishes with a collaborative focus on evangelisation, worship, formation and outreach
    • A family of communities (local parishes grouped together) working together for vibrancy, viability and vitality
    • A reordering of ministerial and material resourcing including a leadership team of at least two priests working together in each mission
    • Strategic and operational decision making with lay leadership with an intentional co-responsibility with the people of God
    • A pooling of and sharing of resources, administration and a move towards shared arrangements across communities, working in solidarity

    This is not intended as a rushed process and could take up to five years, however discussions with parishes in our potential mission area will need to begin at some time in 2023. Links with further updates about our parish’s progress with Take the Way of the Gospel will be shared below. If at any time you would like you would like to contact the parish co-ordinator, Lindsay Sant, you can send an email to

    Use the links below for further information which has been produced by the Archdiocese of Melbourne:


List of currently available publications

 more information can be accessed  via the following link..



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Parish Office Hours : Tuesday to Friday 9:30 am to 1:30 pm

Parish Office : 100 Power road P.O.Box 84, Doveton 3177, Victoria Australia. Presbytery telephone No : (03) 9792 4317 , Email :