9.15 Mass is now open for everyone so that we can now worship as one community without any distinction based on vaccination status.

 But it goes without saying that we should be aware that it is important that we do the right thing and remember that some in the community might be more vulnerable than others. So basic Covid rules like sanitizing, wearing face masks, social distancing, where possible, might all be healthy habits to continue. Though it is not a norm, it would be the wise thing to do.

 So keeping in mind the new changes in the rules we will go back to our previous Mass timings as given below:


Mon: 9:15 am

Tues: 9:15 am

Wed: 9.15 am Mass and 7:00 pm (Evening Mass preceded by the Novena to our Lady of Perpetual Succour)

Thu : 9:15 am

Fri : 9:15 am

Sat: 9:15 am & 6:30 pm (Vigil Mass)

Sun: 9:15 & 11:00 am and 7 pm (Healing Mass and Adoration)



Sacrament of Reconciliation:

Tuesdays and Saturdays after 9.15 am mass

For Baptisms:

Every second Sunday of the month


Preparation for Baptism:

Every first Tuesday of the month at 7 pm 

Holy Communion for the sick and the vulnerable:

For those who still do not feel comfortable coming to church for Mass, maybe because of existing medical conditions, but you would like Holy Communion, please contact Joe Marvin (0423734948) and we will work out a way for you

No prior bookings are required for the Masses.

 If you are feeling sick or having a cold or a sore throat, please get yourself tested and await results before you come to church. It is important that we care for our brothers and sisters who might be more vulnerable than us.

 Prayers and blessings,

 Fr. Prince  VC


Thought of the day

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Scripture verses

Content to be provided

Prayer intentions

Content to be provided



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Parish Office Hours : Tuesday to Friday 9:30 am to 1:30 pm

Parish Office : 100 Power road P.O.Box 84, Doveton 3177, Victoria Australia. Presbytery telephone No : (03) 9792 4317 , Email : doveton@cam.org.au