In view of the latest restrictions in Victoria kindly read below the directions from the Archdiocese. Masks are mandatory within the Church

As a further update, we have just had confirmation from the Government Health authorities that:


  • Places of Worship may continue to welcome in people as per the 1 person per 2sqm density quotient;

  • Masks must be worn indoors at all times;

There have been some questions coming in around meeting rooms, particularly in presbyteries. If used for work purposes, the current procedures for work allowances remain – with the addition of the wearing of masks indoors at all times. Record keeping is mandatory.


As a further note, if anyone has attended any of the exposure sites noted in the link please, get tested and isolate until a negative result is received.

Kindly find further information through the link below: 




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Parish Office Hours : Tuesday to Friday 9:30 am to 1:30 pm

Parish Office : 100 Power road P.O.Box 84, Doveton 3177, Victoria Australia. Presbytery telephone No : (03) 9792 4317 , Email :